About R&R Group Inc.

Our mission statement: 

To build relationships to last a lifetime by accurately assessing cutting edge financial products & related services for our client's needs, goals, and objectives.

  • We are dedicated to the financial success of our clients.
  • We believe that a financial consultant who you can trust and communicate with, is just as important to your financial success as the plan itself.
  • We believe in finding you the correct coverages at the best price for your needs.
  • We take pride in our integrity and our genuine interest in you and your needs.
  • We welcome the opportunity to discuss your financial goals and objectives.
  • We believe our quality products and distinctive services make us the agents, consultants, or advisors with the most to offer you, your family and your business

Our History

R & R Group, Inc. has been in business for 38 years. Our organization, has over 150 years of combined experience and service.  We started out in the commercial insurance specializing in Workers compensation which quickly grew into all areas of insurance from General Liability, Property, Crime, Excess, Umbrella, Down to the exotic coverages of Kidnap & Ransom, Stevedores coverage, special event coverage and many other that most wont deal with. We then expanded into the home, auto, boat, motorcycle and other personal types of insurance. We then expanded into employee benefits including health Accidental, Disability. This led us into a new area of Investments and estate & retirement planning which is now a primary focus of our practice.

We have also grown our practice and services to include a staff of 3 attorneys who work out of our office doing Wills, Trust, and related services to estate planning, law and litigation. In 2012 we enhanced our business model to include 4 new companies.

First, US Financial Consultants, Inc handles all of our exit strategies for prospective and existing clients to exit or sell their business due to a catastrophic event or premature death. This has become a growing area the industry and fit well with our estate planning.  

Second, we started Gold Seal Marketing Inc to handle our own needs for marketing, seminars, & advertising services but also opened it up to the general public as well.  

Third, we started R & R Elite Advisors, Inc to specifically customize the unique planning for clients both small & large to let everyone know there is no one size that fits all.  We have taken a holistic planning approach to a whole new level in the 21st century keeping pace with cutting edge financial services and cutting edge financial products for your estate plan.

Fourth, we have R & R Investigative Service, Inc that has the private investigation services for Background Check, missing persons, but not limited to etc. The need for this company came from the compliance side of many trust our attorneys as well as some beneficiary verification needs. Expert Witness Testimony is also provided to the legal community for Insurance areas we have been in for 38 years particularly OSHA issues from Worker's Compensation and Product liability case.

This unique business model has afforded us a 97%   retention rate of our clients as they enjoy the benefits of all our companies under one roof.